Friday, May 12, 2006


So here's the deal - how does one prepare for their first overseas flight? How do they navigate the two largest airports in Europe when they have never navigated airports in their own country before? How do they communicate in languages they've never even really heard? Well, they don't do that - but they do learn how to navigate by having common sense I suppose. I will be able to do it, but while sitting comfortably at home in the kitchen it seems too hard. I don't want to do it.

I'm scared and I won't have anyone I know with me in these very large, populated places. If I don't make my flight - then what? I will make my flight that is all there is to it! If children can do it - as I've heard they have before - then I, 22 year old Stefine, can do it. Don't you think? I'm pretty sure it is possible; I like to believe I am a semi-intelligent being with enough brains to read gate letters/numbers and whatever else I need to decipher.

I will be doing this in less than a week now and I still have to shop. I'm not packed! Do I have luggage to pack in? That there is a good question to ask, too. I don't think I do but maybe I can find some or buy some with the money I don't have because I spent that on plane and train tickets and program fees.

But after talking to Dustin, I know that I will survive. He guarantees it - and he doesn't do that very often, guarantee things. I will miss him the most probably - I love my parents to death, but I'm used to being away from them for a month or so at a time. Dustin and I, however, are NEVER apart. That's not an exaggeration. So being away for even a few days will be hard - I already just can't wait to get back and see his face down the way waiting for me (although this time I will most likely not be wearing a white jumpsuit and face mask!)

With that, I leave to go to bed. I will pray that I can do this and have fun. I will miss everyone here at home very much so and I expect a party people. A big party upon my return - understand?


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